5 Things You Need to Know About Home Maintenance in Malaysia

When your home is well-maintained, it prolongs the lifespan of every part of your home and minimises the need for major repair, saving you lots of trouble and money!

Some major maintenances include:

Roof Maintenance
You’d be surprised that poor maintenance of the roof will eventually cause big issues which are going to cost you a lot of money. The humid weather in Malaysia makes our roof a place for moss and algae to grow as they usually grow in damp areas. To make things worse, moss and algae retain moisture on roof’s surface and causes rot. The roots of mosses will also damage the structure of the roof.

So, it’s crucial for you to engage a roofing professional to check and maintain your roof every 6 months before it costs you more money in the future.

Pest Control
If pests are not visible to you, it does not mean that they are non-existent. Some may even damage the structure of your home and pests like rats may gnaw your electrical cables, causing fire risks. It is recommended that you schedule a pest control service every 3-6 months.

Service Air-Conditioners
It is also fairly important to service your air-conditioners every 3 months so that apart from maintaining the air-conditioner’s efficiency, you don’t breathe in the dirt that accumulated in the air-conditioners that harms your health.

Plumbing Maintenance
You should unclog the drains regularly because dirt and hair can hinder the water flow. Before you receive hefty water bills, be sure to check the pipes in your bathrooms and under the kitchen sink regularly to identify and rectify leaks.

Inspect Wiring System
When the plugs and lights don’t work, or if your electricity bill increases despite your usage remains the same over the months, you should get an electrician’s help to inspect the wiring circuit and get it fixed.

These are the top 5 things that you should look out for in maintaining your home. Have you done any of these yet?

*Disclaimer: This article is general information only. You should consult licensed professionals in respective fields for tailored recommendations.

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